About Us

by Toby Rosenthal

Toby Rosenthal

For Trade mission is to Make high end LED Lighting. To be at the forefront of good design. Best functionality. From the best materials for the job. LED is the most advanced Lighting system of today. and for the foreseeable future.
The best possible for and still affordable.  Just the best is good enough for the right use. Good Design, best quality, and environmentally friendly. We want to be proud of what we make. This is not just words, our company declaration. But It’s a reason to fight for. If you choose our products or want us to take care of production for you.

You have a plan, so we have the ability to make it a reality. We have learned how to deal with Chinese production, we ready to implement.

ForTrade is a German/British owned operation founded in Hong Kong.
ForTrade has a subsidiary in Shenzhen and Shanghai

Why in China? Lets be honest!

The extent of the workforce:  other countries have just as little labor costs, but China has a huge workforce
Flexibility: Chinese manufacturing and personnel adjust fast to changes in manufacturing. Mostly because of the sheer volume of the available workforce.
China’s rapidly growing domestic market: sourcing of materials and components is much faster and competitive.
Experience and specialization: Few other countries can offer this volume of skilled workforce.
Upcoming markets: China’s economic growth indicates that the future market is.
Infrastructure, supply chains, engineering, and design talent at low cost, value.